Research Article

A Study of Correlations within the Dimensions of Lower Limb Parts for Personal Identification in a Sudanese Population

Table 4

Linear regression equations for reconstruction of lower limb dimensions (in cm) in females.

Regression equation ±SEE value

TL = 24.588 + 2.368 × BMB0.3880.150±1.784***
TL = 10.882 + 1.134 × FL0.6110.373±1.532***
TL = 27.021 + 1.333 × FB0.3620.131±1.804***
BMB = 3.330 + 0.063 × TL0.3880.150±0.292***
BMB = 1.393 + 0.181 × FL0.5950.354±0.255***
BMB = 3.009 + 0.327 × FB 0.5420.249±0.266***
FL = 11.542 + 0.329 × TL0.6110.373±0.826***
FL = 12.837 + 1.959 × BMB0.5950.354±0.838***
FL = 15.003 + 1.084 × FB0.5470.299±0.873***
FB = 4.645 + 0.098 × TL0.3620.131±0.490***
FB = 3.224 + 0.899 × BMB0.5420.294±0.442***
FB = 1.757 + 0.275 × FL0.5470.299±0.440***

TL: tibial length, BMB: bimalleolar breadth, FL: foot length, FB: foot breadth, : correlation coefficient, : coefficient of determination, and SEE: standard error of estimate.
***The value was significant at the 0.001 level (two-tailed).