Research Article

Temporal Bone Osteomyelitis: The Relationship with Malignant Otitis Externa, the Diagnostic Dilemma, and Changing Trends

Table 2

Comparison among patients with P. aeruginosa infection, non-P. aeruginosa infection, non-P. aeruginosa infection-only patients without previous ear operation (non-P. aeruginosa infection without op), and non-P. aeruginosa infection-only patients with previous ear operation (non-P. aeruginosa infection with op).

P. aeruginosa ( ) Non-P. aeruginosa ( ) Non-P. aeruginosa without op ( ) Non-P. aeruginosa with op ( ) Significance
P. aeruginosa versus non-P. aeruginosa P. aeruginosa versus non-P. aeruginosa without opP. aeruginosa versus non-P. aeruginosa with opNon-P. aeruginosa without op versus non-P. aeruginosa with op

Clinical features
 Age (mean ± SD), years 0.9760.2420.2520.029
 Gender (M/F)13/721/1415/56/90.7790.7310.1820.080
 Diabetes16 (80%)19 (54.3%)15 (75%)4 (26.7%)0.0821.0000.0020.007
 Previous surgery0 (0%)15 (42.9%)0 (0%)15 (100%)<0.001
 Otalgia (pain)20 (100%)21 (60.0%)18 (90%)3 (20%)0.0010.487<0.001<0.001
 Otorrhea (exudate)20 (100%)28 (80.0%)14 (70%)14 (93.3%)0.040.0200.4290.199
 Otitis externa (swelling)17 (85%)19 (54.3%)17 (85%)2 (13.3%)0.0381.000<0.001<0.001
 Granulation over EAC13 (65%)14 (40.0%)12 (60%)2 (13.3%)0.0971.0000.0050.007
 CN involvement3 (15%)5 (14.3%)4 (20%)1 (6.7%)1.0001.0000.6190.365

Bold type denotes statistically significant difference ( ).