Review Article

Molecular Markers and Cotton Genetic Improvement: Current Status and Future Prospects

Table 3

An overview of QTL studies in cotton.

Traits DescriptorPopulationSizeMarker (number and type)QTLs numberReference

Fiber qualityFS, FL and FFF2171RFLPs and 85 RAPDs13[135]
FSF2186217 SSRs, 800 RAPDs UBC and 1040 OPERON2[153]
LY, LP, SW, NS, UQ, SF, FL, FE, FT, FF and IFF2120144 AFLPs, RFLPs and 150 SSRs28[141]
FS, FE, FL, FU, LP and FFF2117290 SSRs and 9 AFLPs16[19]
FF BC3F23,662262 RFLPs41[185]
FL, FLU and SFCBC3F23,662262 RFLPs45[134]
FS, FE, FU, FL and FFRIL’s2707508 SSRs, 384 SRAPs and 740 IT-ISJs13[186]
FL, FS, FF and FEF21378 SSRs39[136]
FS, FL, FF, FMT, FE and SFIRIL’s1804106 SSRs, AFLPs, RAPDs and SRAPs48[187]
FE, FL, FS, FF and FUCP17216052 SSRs63[188]

Fiber and agronomicalSCY, LY, LP, BW, SI, FMT, PER, WF, WT, FF, FL, FE and FSRIL’s188141 SSRs56[189]

Yield and fiber
FS, FL, FF, FE, LP, SI, NB, SCY and LYRIL’s2582131 SSRs53[190]
NB, BW, SI, LP, LI, SCY, LY, FL, FS, FF, FE and FU4WC and inbred lines2806123 SSRs and EST-SSRs31[138]
SCY, LY, NB, BW, LP, SI, LI and FBNRIL’s and IF21802675 EST-SSRs111[191]
PH, FBN, BW, LP, LI, SI, LY, FL, FS, FE, FF and FUG. hirsutum accessions81121 SSRs180[3]
LI, SI, LY, SCY, NSB and FSF269834 SSRs, 437 SRAPs, 107 RAPDs and 16 REMAPs52[192]

MorphologicalLBNO, SL1, L1, W1, L2, W2, L3 and W3F2180261 RFLPs62[193]
EMF2 and F34083 SSRs54[140]
NFBF22511165 SSRs5[194]

Plant architecturalPH, FBL, FBN, FBA, FBL/PH and NMUBRIL’s1802130 SSRs, 2 RAPDs and 1 SRAP16[137]

NB: number of bolls per plant, BW: boll weight, SI: seed index, LP: lint percent, LI: lint index, SI: seed index, SCY: seed cotton yield per plant, LY: lint yield per plant, FL: fiber length, FS: fiber strength, FE: fiber elongation, FU: fiber uniformity ratio, FY: fiber yellowness, FF: fiber fineness, FMT: fiber maturity, PH: plant height, FBL: fruit branch length, FBN: fruit branch number, FBA: fruit branch angle, FLU: fiber length uniformity, SFC: short fiber content, FR: fiber reflectance, SW: seed weight, NS: number of seeds per plant, UQ: upper quartile length, SF: short fiber content, FT: fiber tenacity, IF: immature fiber content, SFI: short fiber index, NSB: number of seeds per boll, EM: early maturity, NMUB: lower, middle, and upside boll number, NFB: node to first fruiting branch, LBNO: lobe numbers, SL1: sublobe number on the main lobe, L1: main-lobe length, W1: main-lobe width, L2: second-lobe length, W2: second-lobe width, L3: third-lobe length, W3: third-lobe length, PER: perimeter, WF: weight fitness, WT: wall thickness, FBL/PH: ratio of fruit branch length to plant height, RIL’s: recombinant inbred lines, IF2: immortalized F2s, 4WC: four way cross, CP: composite cross, and BC3F2 = backcross families.