Research Article

Influence of Weight Gain Rate on Early Life Nutritional Status and Body Composition of Children

Table 3

Comparison of Body Mass Index by age, body fat percentage, percentage of body fat in the android region, and waist circumference with variables in daily habits and nutrition of children between 4 and 7 years of age, Viçosa, MG, 2011-2012.

VariablesBMIBody fatFat in the android regionWaist circumference
Average (DP)Median (min–max)Median (min–max)Median (min–max)

Hours of TV
 ≤2 ()0.07 (1.23)15.70 (6.40–36.00)8.60 (4.00–32.60)54.00 (45.0–83.20)
 >2 ()0.28 (1.29)16.05 (5.20–42.50)9.15 (4.00–44.40)54.55 (42.80–83.00)
Physical activity time1 (hours)
 >1 ()0.04 (1.20)14.60 (5.20–35.10)8.30 (4.00–35.20)53.55 (42.80–83.20)
 ≤1 ()0.28 (1.30)16.60 (6.50–42.50)9.10 (4.00–44.40)55.00 (45.00–83.00)
Light physical activity time2 (hours)
 ≤1 ()0.20 (1.27)14.60 (5.20–42.50)8.65 (4.00–44.40)54.05 (42.80–83.20)
 >1 ()0.16 (1.27)16.90 (6.40–38.90)9.40 (4.00–38.50)54.30 (46.45–77.60)
 Value 0.810.020.330.56
Sports Activity
 Yes ()0.58 (1.27)18.80 (6.50–37.90)11.20 (4.00–41.90)56.10 (47.20–74.60)
 No ()0.15 (1.26)15.70 (5.20–42.50)8.80 (4.00–44.40)54.00 (42.80–83.20)
Energy balance
 Not positive ()0.22 (1.27)15.90 (6.30–42.50)9.10 (4.00–44.40)54.47 (42.80–83.00)
 Positive ()0.10 (1.25)15.80 (5.20–36.00)8.80 (4.00–39.10)53.55 (45.00–83.20)
 Value 0.500.330.660.40

BMI = Body Mass Index; TV = television; min = minimum; max = maxim; cm = centmeter; SD = standard deviatio; 1play ball, ride bikes, run, and so forth; 2play with dolls, cars, house, homework, and so forth. Value of derived from the Mann-Whitney test and Student test (for BMI/I).