Research Article

Discrete Bat Algorithm for Optimal Problem of Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling

Algorithm 6

The DBA for PFSP.
                  Initialize the population , , other parameters and bat population
                  Evaluate fitness for each individual and find out and
           while (the termination condition does not satisfy)
                    /*  Position Updating of Bat  */
                    for   : 
                                Generate frequency ;
                                Obtain velocity ;
                                Determine by NEH method;
                                Update using ;
                                Evaluate fitness of individual and update ;
                                Perform Pulse Emission Rate Local Operation ;//  Algorithm 2
                                Evaluate fitness of individual and update
                                Perform Loudness Local Operation;//  Algorithm 3
                                 = adjustment();//  Algorithm 4
                                Evaluate fitness of individual and update ;
                                Find out current global best position ;
                                /*  Intensive Virtual Population Neighborhood Search  */
                    for   : 
                                Execute swap operation based on
                                Evaluate fitness for each individual and find out
                    for   : 
                                Execute insert operation based on 
                                Evaluate fitness for each individual and find out
                    for   : 
                                Execute single-point move backward operation based on
                                Evaluate fitness for each individual and find out
                 Output result and plot;