Research Article

Monitoring Moving Queries inside a Safe Region

Algorithm 1

Extended Safe Region algorithm.
(1)   /* : query point and : the Euclidean distance threshold */
(2)   Compute the range search of and store the objects of interest in the result list
(3)   Order the result list in ascending order
(4)   for all     do
(5)    if     then
(6)     prune
(7)    else
(8)     add to the safe-object list
(9)    end if
(10)  end for
(11)  Surround any object in the safe-object list by a circle with radius
(12)  The area formed by overlapping regions containing is the Extended Safe Region of the
 range moving query
(13)  Calculate the area of the safe region using Monte-Carlo Integration.
(14)  To find when and where the query will leave the safe region, use linear motion function