Research Article

Efficacy of Combined Formulations of Fungicides with Different Modes of Action in Controlling Botrytis Gray Mold Disease in Chickpea

Table 1

Effect of foliar spray of fungicides with different modes of action on BGM disease severity and grain yield in BGM susceptible chickpea variety “BARIchhola-1” under field conditions at Madaripur in Bangladesh during postrainy seasons of 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-10.

TreatmentsDisease severity (1–9 score)Grain yield (kg/ha)Yield increase over control (%)

Systemic fungicides
 Bavistin 50 WP4444.00161014781705159823.11
 Protaf 250 EC6565.67155212121651147213.40
Protectant fungicides
 Vondozeb 42 SC6766.33140213691793152117.18
Combination formulation
 Acrobat MZ4444.00169517131688169930.89
 Secure 600 WG3443.67170316861910176636.06

CV (%)12.3512.357.94
LSD (0.05)120.6231.26317.4