Research Article

Meteorological Data Analysis Using MapReduce

Table 2

The configuration items of Hadoop key parameters.

Configuration parameter nameParameter valueDescription

io.sort.mb256 Maximum Memory to store temporary data in the phase of arrangement, overflow to the disk if excess, unit: M
dfs.replication3Number of file backup
dfs.block.size409600The maximum value of each file: the file is read and stored in block if excess unit: bit
mapred.local.dir/mapred/localData stored path when MapReduce task executes
2The maximum number of Map tasks can be run on a TaskTracker; these tasks run at the same time
1The maximum number of Reduce tasks can be run on a TaskTracker; these tasks run at the same time
30Reduce startup more parallel copies for a large number of output map
io.sort.factor100More streams will be merged while sorting files
fs.default.namehdfs://aiken:9000The host IP and port of JobTracker
hadoop.tmp.dir/root/data1Hadoop default temporary path