Research Article

Screening of Indigenous Oxalate Degrading Lactic Acid Bacteria from Human Faeces and South Indian Fermented Foods: Assessment of Probiotic Potential

Table 4

Identification of oxalate degrading LAB strains by 16S rDNA sequences.

IsolatesGenBank accession numberThe most matched organismsMax identity (%)

TY5KF588358L. fermentum M05999
TY12KF588359L. fermentum F-699
AM3KF588357L. fermentum F-6100
ER5KF588363W. confusa K1-lb597
MSS10KF588361W. cibaria 421395
MM39KF588362W. confusa FS06699
AB11KF588360L. salivarius LB-33 99
AB8KF588355L. fermentum F-6, 6.199
AB1KF588356L. fermentum IFO 395699