Research Article

Vigor for In Vitro Culture Traits in S. melongena  ×  S. aethiopicum Hybrids with Potential as Rootstocks for Eggplant

Table 3

Effect of genotype, culture medium, and their interaction on the percentage of explants with buds (B), percentage of explants with shoots (R), and number of shoots per explant with shoots (PR) after culture for 20 days in BM of leaf explants previously cultured for 20 days in shoot induction media (SIM-A or SIM-B).

Factor RPR

 M188 bc54.5 b1.11 a
 M280 b26.0 a0.62 a
 A158 a30.0 a0.50a
 A2ndb ndnd
 M1 A1100 c76.0 c3.40 b
 M1 A2100 c94.0 c5.95 c
 M2 A1100 c82.0 c5.98 c
 M2 A2100 c78.0 c3.22 b
 SIM-A79.4 a53.9 a2.14 a
 SIM-B99.4 b72.0 b3.80 b
 M1-A80 c65 bc1.70 abc
 M1-B96 c44 b0.52 ab
 M2-A60 b8 a0.08 a
 M2-B100 c44 b1.16 abc
 A1-A16 a0 a0.00 a
 A1-B100 c60 bc1.00 abc
 M1 A1-A100 c68 bcd2.04 abcd
 M1 A1-B100 c84 cd4.76 def
 M1 A2-A100 c88 cd5.16 ef
 M1 A2-B100 c100 d6.75 fg
 M2 A1-A100 c76 bcd3.28 bcde
 M2 A1-B100 c88 cd8.68 g
 M2 A2-A100 c72 bcd2.72 abcde
 M2 A2-B100 c84 cd3.72 cde
 Genotype medium*****

For each of the genotype, medium, and genotype medium interaction factors, mean values within a column separated by different letters are significantly different ( ) according to Duncan’s multiple range test.
bNot determined.
***, **, *, and ns indicate being significant, at , , and , and nonsignificant, respectively.