Research Article

Some Refinements and Generalizations of I. Schur Type Inequalities

Table 1

Using to approximate the , when with different .

2.71828 7.3817 20.0255 54.2724 4.480010
2.71828 7.3866 20.0655 54.4892 4.481129
2.71828 7.3876 20.0735 54.5327 4.481353
2.71828 7.3880 20.0769 54.5514 4.481449
2.71828 7.3882 20.0788 54.5618 4.481502
2.71828 7.3884 20.0801 54.5684 4.481536
2.71828 7.3885 20.0809 54.5730 4.481560
2.71828 7.3886 20.0815 54.5763 4.481577