Clinical Study

Evaluation of the Effect of Concurrent Chronic Total Occlusion and Successful Staged Revascularization on Long-Term Mortality in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Table 2

Baseline clinical and angiographic characteristics of patients with CTO who underwent PCI attempt.

VariableCTO-PCI value
Successful ( = 100, 68%)Failed ( = 48, 32%)

Baseline characteristics
 Age > 60 years68 (68.0%)32 (66.7%)0.871
 Male78 (78.0%)40 (83.3%)0.450
 Diabetes mellitus23 (23.0%)11 (22.9%)0.991
 Hypertension65 (65.0%)33 (68.8%)0.652
 Hyperlipidaemia55 (55.0%)28 (58.3%)0.702
 Current smoking45 (45.0%)19 (39.6%)0.534
 Prior MI28 (28.0%)16 (33.3%)0.506
 Prior PCI28 (28.0%)14 (29.2%)0.883
 Cardiogenic shock on admission22 (22.0%)10 (20.8%)0.872
 CrCL (mL/min) 0.727
 Family history of CVD (%)37 (37.0%)19 (39.6%)0.762
 LVEF < 40%, (%)45 (45.0%)23 (47.9%)0.739
Angiographic characteristics
 Infarct-related artery
  LAD, (%)45 (45.0%)21 (33.8%)0.886
  LCA, (%)20 (20.0%)10 (20.8%)0.906
  RCA, (%)35 (35.0%)17 (35.4%)0.960
 Number of diseased vessels0.725
  249 (49.0%)25 (52.1%)
  351 (51.0%)23 (47.9%)
 Non-IRA-CTO vessel
  LAD, (%)36 (36.0%)20 (41.6%)0.280
  LCX, (%)30 (30.0%)14 (29.2%)0.917
  RCA, (%)34 (34.0%)14 (29.2%)0.557
  IABP, (%)21 (21.0%) 11 (22.9%)0.791
  CTO lesion length (mm) 0.544
  Reference diameter (mm) 0.462
  Number of stent per lesion
  Stented segment length (mm)
  Complete revascularization84 (84.0%)6 (12.5%)<0.001
  Total fluoroscopy time (min) 0.364
  Time of staged procedure after primary PCI (day) 0.876

Categorical variables are described as absolute numbers (%) and compared by means of the chi-square test; continuous variables are described as mean ± SD and compared by means of the Student’s -test. MI: myocardial infarction; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; CrCL: creatinine clearance; CVD: cardiovascular disease. LAD: left anterior descending coronary artery; LCA: left circumflex artery; RCA: right coronary artery; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; IABP: intra-aortic balloon pump; CTO: chronic total occlusion; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention.