Research Article

Multivariate Analysis, Mass Balance Techniques, and Statistical Tests as Tools in Igneous Petrology: Application to the Sierra de las Cruces Volcanic Range (Mexican Volcanic Belt)

Figure 2

Geologic sketch of the Sierra de las Cruces volcanic range, showing lithology, faults, roads, and distribution of the samples (green stars) collected along the volcanic range in this work (modified from [23]). Study area division in four sectors from N to S based on K-Ar radiometric data [26]: (a) SCN-northern sector (2.9–3.7 Ma), (b) SCC-central sector (1.9–2.9 Ma), (c) SCS-southern sector (0.7–1.9 Ma), and (d) SCT-transition sector that include the Ajusco volcano (<0.7 Ma).