Research Article

Multivariate Analysis, Mass Balance Techniques, and Statistical Tests as Tools in Igneous Petrology: Application to the Sierra de las Cruces Volcanic Range (Mexican Volcanic Belt)

Table 1

Petrographic information of the Sierra de las Cruces volcanic rocksa.

SampleLocalityLat. (N)°Long. (W)°TexturePhenocrystsGroundmass textureRockDisequilibrium evidence
OlOpxCpxPlgQtzAmpTypeOl + QtzQtz-RPlg-N + SE

SC16Rancho Agustín99°19′40′′19°11′30′′P7022620MIDE
SC22Volcán Negro99°23′06′′19°10′00′′VT8515TI
SC46Los Puercos99°28′04′′19°31′36′′P4582018MFDE
SC51Cerro Prieto99°16′55′′19°18′42′′P33591025VFDE
SC52S Miguel Tecpan99°24′33′′19°31′12′′VP2741428MFDE
SC52aS Miguel Tecpan99°24′33′′19°31′12′′VP2377MME

Modal data are percentages of phenocrysts + microphenocrysts calculated on a vesicle and groundmass free basis. Texture: P: porphyritic, VP: vesicular-porphyritic, and VT: vesicular trachytic. Groundmass represents 60–90% of the rocks. Groundmass texture: M: microlithic, T: trachytic, and V: vitreous. Phenocrysts: Ol: olivine, Opx: orthopyroxene, Cpx: clinopyroxene, Plg: plagioclase, Qtz: quartz, and Amp: amphibole. Rock types: I: intermediate magmas without disequilibrium evidence, F: felsic magmas without disequilibrium evidence, IDE: intermediate comingled lava, FDE: felsic comingled lava, and ME: magmatic enclave. Disequilibrium evidences: Ol + Qtz: olivine + quartz, Qtz-R: quartz with a reaction rim, Plg-N + S: plagioclases with normal and sieved texture, and E: ellipsoidal chilled andesitic enclave.