Research Article

Utility of AD8 for Cognitive Impairment in a Chinese Physical Examination Population: A Preliminary Study

Table 4

AD8 subitems in dementia and nondementia subjects.

AD8 subitemsDementia
(AD8 ≥ 2)
(AD8 < 2)

Mean age82.8 ± 8.573.9 ± 10.4<0.00175.4 ± 10.6
AD8-182, 31.5%5, 0.4%<0.00187, 5.6%
AD8-2110, 42.3%32, 2.5%<0.001142, 9.2%
AD8-386, 33.1%16, 1.2%<0.001102, 6.6%
AD8-4108, 41.5%34, 2.6%<0.001142, 9.2%
AD8-570, 26.9%4, 0.3%<0.00174, 4.8%
AD8-667, 25.8%2, 0.2%<0.00169, 4.5%
AD8-7123, 47.3%15, 1.2%<0.001138, 8.9%
AD8-8216, 83.1%156, 12.1%<0.001372, 24.1%
Mean AD8 score3.3 ± 1.70.2 ± 0.4<0.0010.73 ± 1.39

AD8-1: problems with judgment; AD8-2: reduced interest in hobbies/activities; AD8-3: repeats questions, stories, or statements; AD8-4: trouble learning how to use a tool, appliance, or gadget; AD8-5: forgetting correct month or year; AD8-6: difficulty handling complicated financial affairs; AD8-7: difficulty remembering appointments; AD8-8: consistent problems with thinking and/or memory.
*The value was calculated by comparing the prevalence of endorsement of each item in AD8 between suspected demented and nondemented participants.