Research Article

Reproductive Toxicity of Triptolide in Male House Rat, Rattus rattus

Table 4

Effect of triptolide treatment on sperm parameters in cauda epididymal fluid of male R. rattus.

Group ( each)Conc. in bait (%)Sperm motility (%)Sperm viability (%) Sperm density (millions/mL)Sperm abnormality (%)
Head tail separationOther abnormalities

I 0.051.67 ± 7.45a58.33 ± 7.45a148.33 ± 62.23a10.00 ± 4.08a2.58 ± 0.93a
II ()0.122.00 ± 11.66b25.00 ± 9.49b84.00 ± 26.34a52.95 ± 18.53b11.42 ± 3.26b
III 0.210.00 ± 6.45c14.50 ± 7.27c90.83 ± 37.12a46.13 ± 12.15b13.71 ± 4.12b
IV 0.323.33 ± 10.67b25.83 ± 9.75b130.00 ± 71.82a53.69 ± 24.57b8.69 ± 5.74b

Values are mean ± SD; = number of rats; mean values in a column not sharing a common superscript differ significantly ().