Research Article

Optimal Location through Distributed Algorithm to Avoid Energy Hole in Mobile Sink WSNs

Algorithm 1

Find best location( ).
           //To find the optimal sink anchor
(1)  Maxenergy = 0;
(2) min_global_energy = ∞;   //current value that minimize the maximum energy consumption
(3) For
(5) For
      //sink can pause at any point of the network
(6)  Maxenergy = 0;
      //set the initial maximum energy consumption as 0
(7)  for    //number of nodes
(8)   for each do
(9) computer energy consumption use Corollary 2
//compute energy cost of node when sink is at
  // represent the actual energy consumption of node
(11)      If Maxenergy <    //when the energy
// consumption of node is larger than current maximum
(12)       Maxenergy =   //compare energy of
   //sink is the energy consumption of node
(13)      Endif
(14)    End for
(15)   End for;
(16)   If min_global_energy > Maxenergy   // Maxenergy
//represent the maximum energy consumption of sink( )
(17)      min_global_energy = Maxenergy
        //minimize the comprehensive energy
(18)       ; ;
 //next sink anchor to minimize the comprehensive energy
(19)   Endif
(20)  End for
(21) End for
(22) Return( );
//return the optimal next sink anchor