Research Article

Testing the Psychometric Properties of a Chinese Version of the Level of Expressed Emotion Scale

Table 6

Levels of perceived expressed emotion and other psychological measures in patients with different psychiatric diagnoses.


M ± SD
Psychotic disorders 

M ± SD
Unipolar disorder 

M ± SD
Bipolar disorder 

M ± SD
ANOVA test
, df, and

LEE (50–200)a 5.21, 259, 0.01
Intrusiveness/hostility (12–48) 5.98, 258, 0.005
Attitudes towards patient (13–52) 4.57, 258, 0.04
Tolerance (12–48) 3.83, 258, 0.12
Emotional involvement (13–52) 5.17, 258, 0.01
BPRS-positive symptomsb (0–48) 6.10, 258, 0.005
BDI (0–63) 4.33, 258, 0.05
BAI (0–63) 3.45, 258, 0.15
FAD (60–240) 5.10, 259, 0.01
FBIS (0–50) 3.95, 259, 0.08

LEE: level of expression emotion scale; BPRS: brief psychiatric rating scale; BDI: beck depression inventory-II; BAI: beck anxiety inventory; FAD: family assessment device; FBIS: family burden interview schedule.
Possible range of scores of the total scale or its subscales in the parentheses.
Mean score calculated with 8 items of the BPRS from thought disturbance and disorganization subscales [26].