Research Article

Dissolved Concentrations, Sources, and Risk Evaluation of Selected Metals in Surface Water from Mangla Lake, Pakistan

Table 4

Comparison of mean levels of water quality parameters of the present study with some other studies.

Water body ClDOECpHTATDSReference
(mg/L)(mg/L)( S/cm)(mg/L)(mg/L)

Pandoh Lake, India (monsoon)1.838.7552.76.2628.1[32]
Pandoh Lake, India (winter)4.637.751187.7968.9[32]
Pandoh Lake, India (summer)1.538.0871.67.3553.2[32]
Wielkie Lake, W. Poland7.7[33]
Boszkowo Lake, W. Poland7.7[33]
Domimickie Lake, W. Poland7.6[33]
Lake Beysehir, Turkey9.23508.0[34]
Manchar Lake, Pakistan431.623108.4125.8[38]
Watland of Wadi Gaza (summer)9245.342007.6[39]
Watland of Wadi Gaza (winter)4788.421808.39[39]
Mangla Lake, Pakistan (summer)114.31408.014470Present study
Mangla Lake, Pakistan (winter)8.84.42507.894125Present study