Research Article

Image Deconvolution by Means of Frequency Blur Invariant Concept

Table 4

Image deconvolution using proposed frequency blur invariant for Milky Way image (shown in Figure 3(b)) with different estimated (below the restored images), different mask sizes, and their corresponding NMSE.

image (B)
Deblurred images

Mask size:
0.37 1.73 2.49 3.18 4.57 4.94

NMSE 0.5319 0.4227 0.2781 0.1512 0.0103 0.0085

Mask size:
0.66 1.75 4.68 8.23 10.99 11.41

NMSE 0.8105 0.7213 0.4983 0.1655 0.0210 0.0061

Mask size:
0.89 2.05 4.64 8.81 13.81 14.95

NMSE 0.8756 0.6133 0.3988 0.1613 0.0824 0.0034