Research Article

Effects of Paliperidone Palmitate on Coagulation: An Experimental Study

Table 2

Hemostatic parameters in control, PAL-1, and PAL-3 groups.

Control ( )PAL-1 ( )PAL-3 ( )

PT (sec)
INR (%)
aPTT (sec)
Fibrinogen (mg/dL)
Factor II (U/L)
Factor VIII (U/L)
Factor IX (U/L)
Factor X (U/L)
AT-III (%)
Protein C (μg/mL)
Protein S (μg/mL)

PAL-1 group: receiving paliperidone 1 mg/kg for ten days; PAL-3 group: receiving paliperidone 3 mg/kg for ten days. Values are expressed as means ± SD.
versus control group; # versus PAL-1 group.