Research Article

Exploiting Semantic Annotations and -Learning for Constructing an Efficient Hierarchy/Graph Texts Organization

Algorithm 1

TRN algorithm.
Input: List of Sentences of The document .
Output: List_DSO /*list of DSO objects and its MFs with attributes. /*
{   ← New document
 List_DSO ← Empty list {list of sentences object of document};
for  each sentence   in document do
  AlchemyAPI(); /* This function calls AlchemyAPI to determine all MF and its NER. /*
  for  each feature  in DSO do
   get_MF_Attributes(); /* This function determines attributes of each MF. /*
   OpenNLP (si); /* This function calls OpenNLP to determine POS and NER for MF and attributes. /*
   compute_MF_score(); /* This function determines the score of each MF. /*