Research Article

Association Study between Novel CYP26 Polymorphisms and the Risk of Betel Quid-Related Malignant Oral Disorders

Table 1

Distribution of male betel quid chewers associated with characteristics of selected demographic factors.

Oral and pharyngeal cancer
BQ chewers (%)a (%) (%)

Age (mean ± S.D., years)<0.05
 Hokkien181 (85.78)44 (78.57)174 (79.82)0.20
 Others30 (14.22)12 (21.43)44 (20.18)
Education (years)
 ≤9127 (60.19)29 (51.79)141 (64.68)0.19
 >984 (39.81)27 (48.21)77 (35.32)
Alcohol drinking status
 Nondrinkers68 (31.28)16 (28.57)55 (25.23)0.38
 Drinkers145 (68.72)40 (71.43)163 (74.77)
  Age at starting drinking (mean ± S.D., years)<0.05
  Years of alcohol drinking<0.05
Cigarette smoking status
 Nonsmokers16 (7.58)4 (7.14)8 (3.67)0.20
 Smokers195 (92.42)52 (92.86)210 (96.33)
  Age at starting smoking (mean ± S.D., years)0.05
  Average amount of smoking (cigarette/day)<0.05
  Years of cigarette smoking0.05
BQ chewing status
  Age at starting chewing (mean ± S.D., years)<0.05
  Years of BQ chewing<0.05
  Average amount of chewing (quids/day)0.59
  Cumulative lifetime BQ use (pack-years)a0.10

The indicated statistical significance, and it was calculated via the Chi-square or GLM test (post hoc was compared using the Bonferroni test). Means within each row (in capital letter) followed by the different letter are statistically significant differences (via the Bonferroni test ()).
aOne chewed pack corresponds to 10 betel quids.