Research Article

Reliability and Validity of the Thai Version of the Florida Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory

Table 1

The frequencies of the Symptom Checklist items and the means; standard deviations; item-total correlations; and factor loadings of the severity items of the FOCI-T.

Item numberDescription% yes

Total scale
Bothered by thoughts/images such as…
1Contamination or acquiring a serious illness46.8
2Keeping objects in perfect order38.3
3Images of death or other horrible events17.0
4Unacceptable religious or sexual thoughts34.0
Worried about terrible things, such as…
5Fire, burglary, or flooding of the house42.6
6Accidentally hitting a pedestrian with your car25.5
7Spreading an illness12.8
8Losing something valuable38.3
9Harm coming to a loved one46.8
10Acting on an unwanted urge or impulse23.4
Driven to perform some acts again like…
11Ritualized washing, cleaning, or grooming44.7
12Checking things (e.g., light switches)74.5
13Counting, arranging, and evening-up behaviors36.2
14Collecting useless objects42.6
15Repeating routine actions31.9
16Needing to touch objects or people12.8
17Unnecessary rereading or rewriting55.3
18Examining your body for signs of illness23.4
19Avoiding colors, numbers, or names21.3
20Repeatedly asking for reassurance63.8

Severity scaleM (SD)Corrected item-total correlationAlpha if item deletedFactor loadings

21How much time by these thoughts or behaviors1.93 (1.04)0.730.910.83
22How much distress do they cause 1.98 (1.09)0.900.870.95
23How hard is it to control them1.98 (0.91)0.760.900.85
24How much do they cause avoidance behavior1.61 (1.14)0.700.910.81
25How much do they interfere with life1.67 (1.10)0.840.880.91
Total score9.00 (4.67)