Research Article

Prevalence and Molecular Epidemiological Data on Dirofilaria immitis in Dogs from Northeastern States of India

Table 2

Comparative efficacy percentage of microscopy, Ag ELISA, and PCR in detecting Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs.

Detection methods
Dog categoryNumber of blood samples testedMicroscopy (Knott’s technique)Ag ELISA
(SNAP 4Dx test)
Numbers of positive (%)Numbers of positive (%)Specific primer for D. immitis (%)Panfilarial primers (%)

Stray41369 (16.70%)107 (25.90%)88 (21.30%)92 (88 + 4*)
Pet26616 (6.01%)24 (9.02%)17 (6.39%)17 (6.39%)
Working1034 (3.88%)10 (9.70%)4 (3.88%)4 (3.88%)

Grand total78289 (11.38%)141 (18.03%)109 (13.93%)113 (14.45%)

Dirofilaria repens.