Resource Review

Care and Neurorehabilitation in the Disorder of Consciousness: A Model in Progress

Figure 3

(a) Probability of observing a positive visual pursuit response over time during the day in VS/UWS and MCS subjects repeatedly tested (6 tests/subject/day). Maxima are at approximately 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m., while no response was observed at postprandial time (after Candelieri et al., 2011 [41], modified). (b) Top right: scatterplot of positive visual pursuit responses (green) and no observed responses (red) in a group of DOC subjects versus the values of the HRV descriptors nuLF and pkLF; middle: support vector machine model predicting the target data values (presence or absence of a pursuit response) to which specific attributes (the HRV descriptors) could be related; bottom left: probability of observing a pursuit response estimated as the relative frequency of response for each subject versus each HRV descriptor (after Riganello et al., 2013 [39], modified). The overall incidence of positive responses or no response at all is summarized in the inset at (c), where the model areas at which a response could or could not be predicted by HRV estimates are in green and red, respectively, and the actual percentage of responses/no responses is reported.