Research Article

Universal Keyword Classifier on Public Key Based Encrypted Multikeyword Fuzzy Search in Public Cloud

Algorithm 1

EditDistance(, ).
Input: Two strings where
Output: Minimum edit distance
(1)  Declare the integer variables length1, length2, ed;
(2)  Declare the character variables char1, char2;
(3)  Declare the integer variables substitution, insertion, deletion, minimum;
(4) length1 = size of ;
(5) length2 = size of ;
(6) ed = new int[length1 + 1][length2 + 1];
(7)  for ( to length1)
(8)   ed;
(9)  end for // loop
(10) for ( to length2)
(11)    ed;
(12) end for // loop
(13)   for ( to length1)
(14)   char1 = .charAt();
(15)    for ( to length2)
(16)     char2 = .charAt();
(17)      if (char1 = = char2) then
(18)       ed = ed;
(19)      else
(21)       substitution = ed;
(22)       insertion = ed;
(23)       deletion = ed;
(24)       minimum = (substitution > insertion ? insertion: substitution);
(25)       minimum = (deletion > minimum ? minimum: deletion);
(26)       ed = minimum;
(28)      end if;
(29)    end for // loop
(30) end for // loop
(31)  return ed[length1, length2]