Research Article

A Novel Way to Relate Ontology Classes

Algorithm 2

Pseudo code of our Calculated subclasses algorithm.
Function calculatesub classes
(1)function  CALCULATESUB CLASSES(cls, unionClassesList, intersectionClassesList)
   Use output of Pellet reasoner to as input to our algo and modify that
   Separate the intersection and union classes from sub classes list
(5)if  obR isUnionClass  then
(7)end if
(8)for   in   do
   Get collection classes
(10)     if    then
(11)      Remove sub classes of intersection class, as they too are error prone
(12)     .listsub classes()
   Assumption: a class cannot be noth sub class and intersection class of collection classes
   If collection class and intersection class both are added in sub classlist, remove intersection class
(13)     else if  (operands) & sub classesSet.contains()  then
   Remove sub classes of intersection class, as they too are error prone
(15)     .listsub classes()
(16)     end if
(17)  end for
   remove error prone operands of union class as sub classes
(18)  for   in   do
(21)  end for
   Jena entails a class itself as the sub class of its own, so need to remove union class from sub classes list
(23) end function