Research Article

A Seed-Based Plant Propagation Algorithm: The Feeding Station Model

Algorithm 1

Seed-based Plant Propagation Algorithm (SbPPA) [47].
(1) NP Population size, Counter of trial runs, Maximum experiments
(2) for  : MaxExp do
(3)  if    then
(4)    Create a random population of seeds ,
      using (12) and collect the best solutions from each trial run, in .
(5)    Evaluate the population .
(6)   end if
(7)   while    do
(8)    Use updated population .
(9)   end while
(10)  while (the stopping criteria is not satisfied) do
(11)   for   to   do
(12)    if  , then,             (Global or local seed dispersion)
(13)     for   to   do             ( is number of dimensions)
(14)      if  rand   then,              (PR = Perturbation Rate)
(15)       Update the current entry according to (11)
(16)      end if
(17)     end for
(18)    else
(19)     for   to   do
(20)      if  rand   then,
(21)       Update the current entry according to (10)
(22)       end if
(23)     end for
(24)    end if
(25)   end for
(26)   Update current best
(27)  end while
(28)  Return: Updated population and global best solution.
(29) end for