Research Article

Genetic Divergence in Northern Benin Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Landraces as Revealed by Agromorphological Traits and Selection of Candidate Genotypes

Table 1

Frequencies of the different phenotypes recorded within the various qualitative morphological parameters considered to describe the sorghum collection established.

Parameters and codesVariables and score Frequency (%)

Panicle compactness (PaCom)Loose (1)50
Semi-loose (2)19.72
Semi-compact (3)23.94
Compact (4)6.34

Peduncle shape (PeSh)Erect (1)76.76
Semi-bent (2)22.54
Bent (3)0.7

Glume colour (GlCol)Beige (1)2.82
Brown (2)4.93
Purple (3)38.03
Black (4)52.21
Red (5)2.02

Glume hairiness (GlHai)Absent (1)23.24
Low (2)59.86
Medium (3)9.15
High (4)7.75

Threshability (Thres)Easy (1)88.73
Difficult (2)11.27

Grain covering (GrCov)50% (1)90.14
75% (2)9.15
100% (3)0.7

Grain shape dorsal view (GrShDV)Dimple (1)92.96
Convex (2)7.04

Number of grain per glume (NuGrGl)Single (1)97.89
Twin (2)2.11

Grain shape profile view (GrShPV)Circular (1)22.54
Elliptic (2)77.46

Grain colour (GrCol)White (1)47.89
Orange (2)1.41
Red (3)47.89
Yellow (4)2.82