Research Article

Cost-Sensitive Radial Basis Function Neural Network Classifier for Software Defect Prediction

Pseudocode 1

The proposed pseudocode of ADBBO algorithm.
Initialize the species count and the other required parameters
      Module 1
      Initialize probability of species count of each Habitat
      When the termination criteria is not met do
         Save the best habitats in a temporary array (Elitism)
         For each habitat, map the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) to number of species S, λ and μ
         Choose the immigration island based on μ
         Migrate randomly selected SIVs based on the selected island in previous step.
         Module 2
         Invoke: Proposed Adaptive Dimensional Approach
            Compute habitat search dimensional rate ()
            Update . Check for the positional movements of the habitats
            Update the positions of species
         Module 3
         Update Population using Adaptive Dimensional approach
            Compute the new populations based on design variables and move to Module 1.
            Refine the habitats
      Update the generation count
   Check for feasible solution and the presence of a similar habitat.
   Output the value of the best species.