Research Article

Heating Has No Effect on the Net Protein Utilisation from Egg Whites in Rats

Table 1

Growth variables in rats fed a diet containing egg whites (EW) (unheated, soft-boiled, or boiled), milk whey protein, or soy protein.

Unheated EWSoft-boiled EWBoiled EWMilk whey proteinSoy protein (reference)

Initial body weight (g)
Final body weight (g)
Body weight gain (g/day)
Food consumption (g/day)
Food efficiency
Protein consumption (g/day)
Protein efficiency

Mean ± standard error (SE) of six rats. Superscript letters indicate a significant difference (Tukey’s test, ).
Food efficiency: body weight gain (g/day)/food consumption (g/day).
Protein efficiency: body weight gain (g/day)/protein consumption (g/day).