Research Article

A Study and Development of Workplace Facilities and Working Environment to Increase the Work Efficiency of Persons with Disabilities: A Case Study of Major Retail and Wholesale Companies in Bangkok

Table 3

Comparison of pre-use and post-use tests of the office furniture and workplace facilities to improve work effectiveness of people with physical disabilities in department stores, retail and wholesale companies for 15 people. A composite score was given by the users based on safety, basis in universal design, usability, and suitability for the workplace (0-5 scores were assigned for each category with a total possible score of 20) [2].

Independent VariableSDdStd.tdfSig.

Pre-use testing13.06672.93906-1.6001.76473-3.511140.003
Post-use testing14.6672.69037

(α: 0.05)
Source: the current study.