Research Article

Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Properties of Soils under Different Land Uses in the Tejibara Watershed, Ethiopia

Table 2

Description of land use and land cover classes.

Land use/land cover classesDescriptions

Cultivated landAreas allotted to rainfed and irrigated cultivation, including fallow plots, cultivated land mixed with some bushes, trees, and the scattered rural settlements included within the cultivated fields
Forest landAreas covered by trees forming closed or nearly closed canopies, forest, plantation forest, dense (50–80% crown cover)
Grazing landAreas of land where small grasses are the predominant natural vegetation usually used for grazing
Bare landAreas with little or no “green” vegetation present due to erosion, overgrazing, and crop cultivation
SettlementAreas covered with buildings in rural and urban. It includes commercial, residential, industrial, and transportation infrastructures