Research Article

Assessing the Efficacy of Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics in Controlling Bacterial Contamination in the In Vitro Micropropagation of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc)

Table 1

Effect of surface disinfectants on contamination and survival of shoot tip explants of ginger (Z. officinale Rosc).

TreatmentNo. of clean explantsNo. of survived explants
DisinfectantTime (in min)Mean (SD)%Mean (SD)%

RBK (0.25% w/v)304.33 (0.58)c435.68 (0.58)b57
454.00 (1.00)c404.68 (0.58)bc47
603.33 (0.58)c335.68 (0.58)b57

NaOCl (0.50% v/v)103.67 (0.58)c373.68 (0.58)c37
208.00 (1.73)a807.33 (0.58)a73
306.33 (0.58)b637.00 (1.00)a70

Ethanol (70% v/v)54.66 (0.58)c477.33 (0.58)a73
103.66 (0.58)c377.00 (1.00)a70
154.33 (1.15)436.33 (0.58)ab63

Means in the same column with different letters are statistically significantly different at ; SD: standard deviation.