Research Article

Morphometric Evaluations and Yields from Commercial Cuts of Black Pacu Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) in Different Body Weights

Table 1

Yields of commercial cuts, CMS, and residues of black pacu (Colossoma macropomum) in relation to each weight class.

Weight classesYields (%)
Fillet with skinRibsCMSResídues1SteakResídues2n

1 (<1.2 kg)22.04 ± 3.43b19.84 ± 2.54b7.00 ± 1.19ab51.11 ± 5.20a54.15 ± 5.38bc45.84 ± 5.66ab45
2 (1.21 to 1.8 kg)21.33 ± 3.32b19.13 ± 2.45b7.35 ± 1.25a52.18 ± 5.31a54.34 ± 5.40bc45.66 ± 5.64ab45
3 (1.81 to 2.4 kg)26.20 ± 4.07ab19.90 ± 2.55ab6.44 ± 1.09ab47.44 ± 4.82b58.89 ± 5.85a41.10 ± 5.08b45
4 (2.41 to 3.5 kg)25.68 ± 3.99ab22.00 ± 2.82a6.21 ± 1.05b46.09 ± 4.69b56.38 ± 5.60a43.62 ± 5.39b50
5 (>3.51 kg)23.76 ± 3.69b22.01 ± 2.82a6.55 ± 1.11ab47.67 ± 4.85b50.96 ± 5.06c49.04 ± 6.06a30

If there are averages followed by different letters (a, b) in the columns, they are different from each other by the Kruskal–Wallis test ( < 0.05). 1Residues from the production of fillet and ribs. 2Residues from the production of meat.