Research Article

Synthesis and Evaluation of the Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activities of Some Flavonoids Derived from Naringenin

Table 1

Predicted parameters by SwissADME.


Physicochemical propertiesFormula, molecular weight, number of heavy atoms, number of aromatic heavy atoms, fraction Csp3, number of rotatable bonds, number of H-bond acceptors, number of H-bond donors, molar refractivity, and topological polar surface area (TPSA)
LipophilicityLog Po/w (iLOGP), log Po/w (XLOGP3), log Po/w (WLOGP), log Po/w (MLOGP), log Po/w (SILICOS-IT), and consensus log Po/w
Water solubilityLog S (ESOL), log S (Ali), and log S (SILICOS-IT)
PharmacokineticsGI absorption, BBB permeant, P-gp substrate, CYP1A2 inhibitor, CYP2C19 inhibitor, CYP2C9 inhibitor, CYP2D6 inhibitor, CYP3A4 inhibitor, and log Kp (skin permeation)
Drug-likenessLipinski, Ghose, Veber, Egan, Muegge, and bioavailability score
Medicinal chemistryPAINS, Brenk, lead-likeness, and synthetic accessibility

GI, gastrointestinal; BBB, blood–brain barrier; PAINS, pan-assay interference compounds.