Research Article

Knowledge of Preconception Healthcare and Associated Factors: A Study among Mothers in Jinka Town, Southern Region, Ethiopia

Table 3

Women’s knowledge of preconception health-related behavioural risk factors on the fetus in Jinka town, Southern Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 513).

VariablesFrequency (N)Percentage (%)

Diabetes mellitus needs to be treated

Epilepsy should be treated

Uncontrolled obesity affects fetus health

Screening for STI and HIV/AIDS improves fetal life

Heart diseases should be treated

Stress and depression affect fetal life

Screening for genetic problem, lower adverse pregnancy outcome

Cigarette smoking should be avoided before conception

Alcohol consumption before conception result in poor pregnancy outcome

Exposure to environmental hazard leads to adverse perianal outcome

Illegal drug intake affects fetal wellbeing

Female genital mutilation complicates childbirth