Research Article

Climate Change Adaptation Strategies by Indonesian Vegetable Farmers: Comparative Study of Organic and Conventional Farmers

Table 4

Climate change adaptation strategies of organic and conventional vegetable farmers in Java.

Adaptation strategiesOrganic (%)Conventional (%)Differencea

Implementing mixed cropping95.53685.7149.821
Using superior varieties91.07187.5003.571
Growing nonwater intensive crops48.21450.893−2.679
Implementing crop rotation95.53688.3937.143
Adjusting planting and harvesting dates53.57162.500−8.929
Increasing the use of organic manure44.64322.32122.321
Using mulch92.85791.0711.786
Using shade34.8218.92925.893
Changing irrigation techniques37.50011.60725.893
Using Pranata Mangsa35.71448.214−12.500

aSignificance based on Pearson chi-square for the differences in proportions between the two groups. Significant at 1% level. Significant at 5% level. Significant at 10%.