Review Article

Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Intestinal Parasites and Enteric Bacterial Infections among Selected Region Food Handlers of Ethiopia during 2014–2022: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 3

Prevalence of IPs and EBIs among food handlers in Ethiopia by subgroup analysis.

VariablesCharacteristicsNumber of studiesSample sizePrevalence(95% CI)I2, value

Sample size<200460336.39 (95% CI: 27.18, 45.60)92.56%,
>20016524127.34 (95% CI: 19.64, 35.04)98.07%,

Pooled prevalence of IPs and EBIs by regionAmhara6194724.36 (95% CI: 9.67, 39.65)98.73%,
Oromia586338.56 (95% CI: 29.98, 47.14)91.68%,
SNNPR6193231.03 (95% CI: 19.66, 42.40)97.42%,
Tigray3110219.45 (95% CI: 6.08, 32.83)96.60%,

Pooled prevalence of IPs and EBIs by year2014–20187215327.26 (95% CI: 16.55, 37.97)98.27%,
2019–202214369130.16 (95% CI: 21.68, 38.83)97.46%,

Pooled prevalence of IPs and EBIs by study areaUniversity10265623.04 (95% CI: 15.24, 30.84)97.34%,
Town/district/zone10318835.25 (95% CI: 25.87, 44.63)97.23%,

Overall20584429.16 (95% CI: 22.61, 35.71)97.77%,