Research Article

Pedagogy for Teaching Fire Safety through Design-Based Immersion of the National Building Code 2016 with Feedback from Students of Undergraduate Architecture

Table 3

The summary of the results of the study.

S. noQuestionsAverage weighted answerInterpretation

1Is asking students to make fire safety provisions on design sheets itself a good idea? (The 5-point Likert scale with 1 as “not great for learning” and 5 as “very good idea for learning”)4.44It means that asking students to make fire provisions in design sheets is a “very good idea for learning”

2What has been your exposure to NBC 2016 before this class? (The 5-point Likert scale with 1 as “not familiar at all” and 5 as “very familiar”)2.56It means that the respondents in the polarised scale gave the answer as “2,” which is one weight lesser than “not familiar at all,” which would mean not familiar

3Should students be introduced to NBC 2016 at a stage earlier than third year? (Yes/no/other)Yes81.3% of respondents stated a “yes”

4How easy was it for you to grasp the fire portion of the NBC 2016 by the end of the semester? (The 5-point Likert scale with 1 being “challenging” and 5 being “easy”)3.47It means that the respondents, on average, would agree instead of strongly agree with the easiness of grasping the fire portion of the NBC 2016 by the end of the teaching semester

5Did the method of the class instruction make you understand the positive role of architects in fire safety in buildings? Rate. (The 5-point Likert scale with 1 being “not really” and 5 being “understand the positive role well”)4.19It means that instead of strongly agreeing to “understand the role well,” the average of the class responded as “agree,” which would mean that the respondents agree that the method of class instruction made them understand the positive role of architects in fire safety in buildings

6Was the teacher well prepared to sensitise about fire safety in buildings? (The 5-point Likert scale with 1 being “not prepared” and 5 being “well prepared”)4.44It means the respondents, on average, rated the teacher to be well prepared to sensitise students about fire safety in buildings

7Should students be taught a lot of fire theory or should they be immersed in design integration? (The Likert scale with 1 being “theory based” and 5 being “design integration based”)4.28It means that the respondents, on average, wanted design intervention-based teaching instead of theory-based fire safety