Review Article

Run-Length-Based Test Data Compression Techniques: How Far from Entropy and Power Bounds?—A Survey

Table 7

Comparison of total no. of symbols needed to be encoded and % compression for various schemes of do not care bits filling.

Total No. of Symbols Needed to be Encoded% Compression
OriginalRuns of 0sRunsRuns of 0sAlternatingAlternatingRunsRunsRuns of 0sAlternatingAlternating
ISCAStestfollowedof 1sfollowedruns ofruns ofof 0sof 1sfollowedruns ofruns of 0s
circuitsdataby 1followedby 1 and 1sonly0s followedfollowedfollowedby 1only 0sfollowed
bitsby 0followed0s andby 1 and 1sby 1by 0and 1sandby 1 and 1s
by 0only 1sfollowed by 0followed by 0only 1sfollowed by 0

S9234392734817578632164904 490547.8044.3453.3735.9235.33