Research Article

Assessment of the Efficacy of L-Lysine Sulfate vis-à-vis L-Lysine Hydrochloride as Sources of Supplemental Lysine in Broiler Chickens

Table 5

Intake (g/day unless stated otherwise) and metabolizability coefficients (g/g nutrient intake) of nutrients in broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with L-lysine.HCl and L-lysine sulfate.

Measurements1Source of supplemental lysineSESignificance (P value)
Control#L-lysine.HClL-lysine sulfate

 Crude protein19.519.419.20.11.673
 Metabolizable energy MJ&
Metabolizability coefficient
 Dry matter0.648a0.684a0.757b0.015.002
 Organic matter0.657a0.713a0.779b0.009.0001
 Crude protein0.516a0.552a0.661b0.01.003
N retention g/g intake0.517a0.551a0.661b0.015.003
Protein accretion/g CP intake0.527 a0.546 a0.603 b0.008.001
Live weight gain/g CP intake2.48a2.59a2.76b0.026.001
Live weight gain/MJ ME intake39.4a41.7ab44.7b0.41.001
Live weight gain/g lysine intake48.8c45.1b41.7a0.44.0001

1Based on data obtained during the metabolism trial conducted between day 32 to 38 (n=10) selected at random from each treatment group.
Means bearing dissimilar superscripts varied significantly.
& based on calculated values of dietary energy and total amino acid concentrations in the starter and the finisher diets.