Research Article

Role of Personality in Behavioral Responses to New Environments in Captive Asiatic Lions (Panthera leo persica)

Table 11

Zone descriptions of London zoo.

ZoneFeaturesApprox. % of total section area

Females’ section: area = 1395 m2
1Back right corner of enclosure; next to entrance to indoor area; borders raised walkway along back wall4.85
2Front right corner; contains chain-link fence next to public walkway4.85
3Borders raised walkway along back wall; next to entrance to indoor area3.88
4Surrounds wooden platform4.85
5Borders raised walkway along back wall; includes metal gate to male’s section of the enclosure3.88
6Front left corner of original area of enclosure; contains small covered area under rock wall3.88
7–10Located indoorsN/A
11Lower level of wooden platform1.46
12Mid-level of wooden platform; often used to climb up to Zone 130.97
13Top level of the wooden platform; offers high viewpoint1.46
14Top of a concrete slab in front of the entrance to indoor area1.46
15Area underneath Zone 141.46
16Grass-covered platform in front of Zone 6; overlooks moat0.97
17Located under Zone 160.97
18Thin zone bordering edge of moat8.74
19Start of new area of enclosure; contains rocky ledge along back wall6.80
20Covers right side of the 360 area; right side looks over the moat4.85
21Contains section of trees and bushes17.48
22Covers left side of 360 area8.74
23Back left corner of new area of enclosure4.85
24Allows access to Zone 258.74
25Covered area containing heated platforms (“Hot rocks”); where training occurs4.85

Male’s section: area = 800 m2
26Faces access area where staff often walk; where outdoor training occurs15.09
27Contains access door for indoor area9.43
28Also faces access area where staff walk; contains part of small hill in middle of enclosure20.75
29Contains old train car/boxes; borders raised walkway26.42
30Borders mongoose enclosure13.21
31Contains train car where feeding sometimes occurs; allows access to train station platform with large public viewing windows15.09