Research Article

Seroprevalence of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus Infection in Some Wildlife and Cattle in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Table 1

Seroprevalence of the foot and mouth disease virus in wildlife from Yankari Game Reserve and Sumu Wildlife Park in Bauchi State, Nigeria.

WildlifeNo. sampled (%)No. +ve (%)X2P valueOdds ratioCI at 95%

Yankari Park
11 (10.4)2 (18.2)1.3950.9430.3730.899–0.327
Elephant4 (3.8)1 (25.0)
Hartebeest1(0.9)0 (0.0)
Sumu Park
24 (22.6)6 (25.0)
Wildebeest12 (11.3)4 (33.3)
Kudu1 (0.9)0 (0.0)
Overall53 (100)13 (24.5)