Research Article

Seroprevalence of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus Infection in Some Wildlife and Cattle in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Table 3

Seroprevalence of the foot and mouth disease virus in cattle around Yankari Game Reserve and Sumu Wildlife Park in Bauchi State, Nigeria.

VariablesNo. sampled (%)No +ve (%)X2P valueOdds ratioCI at 95%

Red Bororo58 (19.3)23 (39.7)64.20.000
Sokoto Gudali51 (17.0)17 (33.3)0.5440.241–1.225
White Fulani191 (63.7)157 (82.2)5.0192.550–9.878
Overall300 (100)197 (65.7)
Male94 (31.3)47 (50.0)14.90.0000.3730.225–0.620
Female206 (68.7)150 (72.8)
Overall300 (100.0)197 (65.7)