Research Article

Prevalence of Cattle Trypanosomosis and Apparent Density of Its Fly Vectors in Bambasi District of Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, Western Ethiopia

Table 1

Proportion of the F/T/per male and female Glossina species in the study area.

Study siteNo. of trapsGlossina m. submorsitans
Male (%)Female (%)Total (%)F/T/D

Mender-471552 (3.5)61 (4.1)113 (7.6)3.8
Mender-461566 (4.4)104 (6.9)170 (11.3)5.7
Laga Warqee1560 (4)108 (7.2)168 (11.2)5.6
Qashimando1568 (4.5)144 (9.6)212 (14.1)6.9
Mender-5115121 (8.10)378 (25.2)499 (33.3)16.7
Total75367 (4.9)795 (10.6)1162 (15.5)7.78

F/T/D = Flay per Trap per Day.