Research Article

Veterinary Drug Prescribing Practices at Selected District Veterinary Clinics of Rift Valley Areas of Ethiopia

Table 4

Relationship between prescriber’s status and drugs used across the two clinics.

VariablesPrescribers statusN (%)Batu N (%)Arsi-Negelle N (%)

Educational levelUnknown1682 (68.3%)381 (22.7%)1,301 (77.3%)
Vet248 (10.1%)248 (100%)0.0 (0.0%)
AHA534 (21.7%)533 (100%)0.0 (0.0%)
Work experienceUnknown1682 (68.3%)381 (22.7%)1,301 (77.3%)
<7 yrs248 (10.1%)248 (100%)0.0 (0.0%)
>7 yrs534 (21.7%)533 (100%)0.0 (0.0%)
Average of rational1163 (30.5%)689 (59.2%)474 (40.8%)
Average of irrational2648 (69.5%)1081 (40.8%)1567 (59.2%)

N = frequency; AHA = animal health assistant; vet = veterinarian; EVDL = essential veterinary drug list;  = determined based on clinical signs and drugs administered; unknown = not possible to identify.