Research Article

Electromyography of the External Anal Sphincter during Micturition and Electrophysiological Bulbocavernosus Reflex in Healthy Spayed Female Canines

Figure 1

Set up instruments, EMG workstation, and animal position during EAS EMG examination. Oxygen was given to the dog (a), and an intravenous catheter was placed on the cephalic vein and connected with an extension line and propofol syringe (b). The lactated Ringer’s solution bottle (c) was connected to the infusion pump (d), central venous manometer (e), and 5-Fr polyvinyl chloride feeding tube catheter (f), which retrogradely infused fluid to the urinary bladder at a rate of 20 mL/min. The concentric needle electrode was placed at 30° left lateral side with a 1 cm distance parallel to the anal orifice (h). A ground electrode was placed at the tail base (i). EAS EMG was performed using Dantec® Keypoint® G4 EMG/NCS/EP workstation (g).