Research Article

Isolation and Molecular Identification of Mycobacterium bovis from Slaughtered Cattle in Nekemte Municipality Abattoir, Ethiopia

Table 4

Exploring the associations between sex, body condition, and breed with bovine tuberculosis prevalence in cattle.

VariablesCategoriesNo. of testedPositive (%)χ2OR95% CI value

SexFemale908 (8.8)1.271.6930.681–3.9020.260
Male93071 (7.65)

BCSGood1924 (2.08)3.021.8550.907–3.2200.082
Medium82873 (8.87)

BreedCross12021 (17.6)1.351.3450.180–10.0230.009
Local90068 (7.6)

OriginJima Arjo17011 (6.4)0.192
Bandra17015 (8.8)
Diga1706 (3.5)
Arjo Gudatu17013 (7.65)3.21.960.917–3.620
Uke17016 (9.64)
Nekemte17022 (13.0)

χ2 = chi square; OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.